
#SelfieTennis Box Art

Instructions: You use the triggers to spawn the ball(s) and racket. Double-click on racket trigger to lock it. You can change controller hands on the small button above the touchpad. Knock #BallPeople off the court and take their hearts to enter #HeartAttack mode (time-limited upgrades).

#SelfieStick is on ball controller's grips and you can record a GIF and tweet it out via the touchpad - log on to your Twitter profile via the computer screen when you start the game. Double-click grips to lock it in your hand. SAFETY IS KING: Controllers can fly, SO WEAR WRIST STRAPS!

Cheats (on keyboard):

- F: For #FriendsMode (local leaderboards) -

- I: spawn peeps outside court

- O: delete peeps outside court

- P: spawn peeps inside court

- L: delete peeps inside court

- B: for high Balls serve mode

- E: for Enio ball (experimental - for higher visibility)

- K: for Kids mode (don't cheat, if you're an adult...by age)

- S: deactivate the #SelfieStick

- M: turn of Music

- Arrow keys: rotate play space

- HAHAHA: Laugh at your friends for extra hearts!

- XXX: for #MixedRealityMode -

- T: rotate playspace on racket controller grips while in #MixedRealityMode

Us VRUnicorns are hardcore jammers and we're constantly jamming on new and fun features for #SelfieTennis. Let us know of any crazy ideas, wacky features and tricks/cheats you would like us to add. We’re a tiny team game jamming our way through life, so we can’t promise that all features will make it in, but cool ideas should be tried. Check out this #SelfieTennis discussion thread and post your wishes:


#EverydayIsJammingDay #MadeWithUnity #MadeWithUnicorns



Stuck and need some help? Check out some of the questions the community have asked relating to this game. If none of these answer your problem or you want to get some tips when it comes to a particular level, feel free to submit a question of your own.