Fallout 4

Fallout 4 Box Art

Fallout 4 is an open-world role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It’s the fourth main game in the “Fallout” series and was originally released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on November 10, 2015.

Set in a post-apocalyptic version of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, mostly Boston and its surroundings known as the “Commonwealth”, the game takes place in 2287, approximately 210 years after the “Great War” – a devastating nuclear conflict. This is ten years after the events of “Fallout 3” and 6 years after “Fallout: New Vegas”.

The player assumes the role of a character referred to as the “Sole Survivor” who emerges from a long-term cryogenic stasis in Vault 111, an underground nuclear fallout shelter. After witnessing the murder of their spouse and kidnapping of their son, the player character ventures out into the Commonwealth to search for their missing child.


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Fallout Sentry Bot Pop Vinyl Unboxing Review

The Fallout sentry bot Pop Vinyl figure is one of the nicest pops I have seen and is a really nice addition to the collection of Fallout merch. Plenty of detail for Pop standards, no giant head and big eyes and some clean paint work make this well worth the money.


Below you will find a collection of game guides for Fallout 4. You can see the full collection of guides using the link below. If you have some useful knowledge you would like to share with others, feel free to submit a game guide and we will publish it here for you.

How to Use Console Commands in Fallout 4

How to Use Console Commands in Fallout 4

Using console commands in Fallout 4 can greatly enhance your gameplay experience, allowing you to tweak various aspects of the game, from character stats to…
Should I Handle the Situation With or Without Travis in Confidence Man?

Should I Handle the Situation With or Without Travis in Confidence Man?

In Fallout 4, "Confidence Man" is a side quest that begins when the player overhears an argument between Vadim Bobrov and his brother, Yefim, at…
Should You Side With Paul Or Cooke In Diamond City Blues?

Should You Side With Paul Or Cooke In Diamond City Blues?

In Fallout 4, "Diamond City Blues" is a side quest that begins when the player witnesses a confrontation between Paul Pembroke and Henry Cooke, the…
Help Amelia Stockton or Side with Covenant In Human Error?

Help Amelia Stockton or Side with Covenant In Human Error?

In Fallout 4, "Human Error" is a side quest that begins when the player arrives at a settlement called Covenant for the first time. Upon…
Sabotage the Submarine or Repair it In Here There Be Monsters?

Sabotage the Submarine or Repair it In Here There Be Monsters?

In Fallout 4, "Here There Be Monsters" is a side quest that begins when the player encounters a young boy named Donny Kowalski near the…
Should You Kill Danse Or Spare Him In Blind Betrayal?

Should You Kill Danse Or Spare Him In Blind Betrayal?

In Fallout 4, "Blind Betrayal" is a quest that is part of the Brotherhood of Steel questline. The quest begins when Elder Maxson informs the…


Stuck and need some help? Check out some of the questions the community have asked relating to this game. If none of these answer your problem or you want to get some tips when it comes to a particular level, feel free to submit a question of your own.

Help! Can't Enter My Name in Fallout 4 on Steam Deck
[Fallout 4] - Struggling to type your name in Fallout 4 on Steam Deck? Here's how to resolve the issue and get back to gameplay. View Answer
Experiencing Choppy Gameplay in Fallout 4 on Steam Deck Dock
[Fallout 4] - Why is Fallout 4 so choppy in docked mode on my Steam Deck? Seeking fixes and shared experiences from other players. View Answer
Expose Mayor McDonough as a synth or keep it a secret?
[Fallout 4] - Should you expose Mayor McDonough as a synth or stay quiet? How could each option affect Diamond City and its people? Find out here. View Answer
Should you stay in character or break character in The Silver Shroud quest?
[Fallout 4] - Curious if staying or breaking character in The Silver Shroud quest changes outcomes? Heres what to expect either way. View Answer
What happens when you confront Kellogg and how does it affect the story?
[Fallout 4] - Explore the outcomes of confronting Kellogg and how these affect story progression and interactions in later quests. View Answer
What happens if you kill or spare Paladin Danse?
[Fallout 4] - In the Brotherhood quest, you find out Danse is a synth. Should you follow orders to kill him or spare him? Pros and cons of both choices. View Answer
Should you protect synth refugees at Acadia or reveal them?
[Fallout 4] - Conflict on whether to protect or expose synth refugees at Acadia. What are the consequences and rewards of each choice? View Answer
Should I cure Virgil with the serum or keep it for myself?
[Fallout 4] - Deciding between curing Virgil or keeping the serum? Heres what happens with each choice and the possible rewards. View Answer
View All Questions


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Fallout 4 Speed Run Guide

I have personally put a LOT of hours into this game in an attempt to discover the FASTEST EASIEST route to Platinum, approx 25hrs. There may be odd parts which could be improved upon, due to the sheer size of...
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Games Like Fallout

Fallout is one of my favorite game franchises. The retro futurism style of technology that is used is most definitely the charm since the music matches it, but I like having to make it across the nuclear wasteland looking for...
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What's With All The Milk Vending Machines In Fallout 4

Bit of a pointless topic, but I couldn't help but wonder what the significance is behind all the milk vending machines in Fallout 4. I don't remember these featuring in past games and they seem to serve no purpose at...
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Fallout 4 Should Have Had More Pre War Content

Like I do for many game franchises I enjoy, I intentionally ignore all media on the build-up to the games release so I can enjoy everything without spoilers. The pre-war scenes in Fallout 4 were one of these things that...
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Expanded Fallout Soundtrack 300+ Songs

After spending some time playing any of the games in the Fallout series, you will quickly find that you are hearing the same songs over and over again. Fallout 4 only has around 40 songs. This seems like a lot,...
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Mannequin Invasion DLC For Fallout 4 (Theory)

After playing Automatron I decided to go back and play the main game again. I never really paid much attention to any of this before, but on my second run I can't help but notice the insane amount of mannequins that...
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Fallout 4 Modder Discovers a Secret Weapon

PC modding has almost become a treasure hunt for weird and random things that might be left lying around the games source code. Fallout modder xxdeathknight72xx is one of such treasure hunters and has stumbled across an unfinished weapon that is...
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Fallout 4 Wishlist

No one knows when Fallout 4 is actually going to come out but we do know that it is in the works. As much as I loved the past 2 games there was still a few issues I had that...