Assassin's Creed Unity

Assassins Creed Unity Box Art

Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once-magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestoned streets run red with the blood of commoners who dare to rise up against an oppressive aristocracy. Yet as the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin.



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Why Doesn't Germain Remember His Past Lives Like Other Sages?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Why doesn't Germain remember his past lives like other Sages in Assassin's Creed? Exploring the nuances of Sage experiences. View Answer
When Should You Choose Stun Grenades Over Smoke Bombs in AC Unity?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Are stun grenades worth using over smoke bombs in AC Unity's co-op mode? Let's explore their advantages and uses. View Answer
Why Can't Gamers Take Criticism Like They Demand Recognition as Art?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Is it hypocritical for gamers to want art recognition for video games yet resist serious criticism of them? View Answer
Is paying £4 for a used copy of AC Unity a good deal?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Is AC Unity a good buy at 4 pounds if I've never played it? Here's what others say! View Answer
Is paying £4 for a used copy of AC Unity worth it?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Is AC Unity worth £4 used? Here's what others think about its value. View Answer
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