tech support


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Is There Any Hope of Recovering My Lost Roblox Account?
How did I lose my Roblox account forever due to a forgotten PIN and a misguided support request? My digital tragedy. View Answer
How reliable is a refurbished Steam Deck replacement after repair issues?
How likely am I to face issues with my refurbished Steam Deck replacement after prior repairs? View Answer
Why does launching Fortnite freeze my whole PC and make everything else unusable?
What’s causing Fortnite to freeze my PC and prevent me from running other programs? I need help to fix this issue. View Answer
What's the Best Way to Learn About VR Without Losing My Mind?
Why is it so hard to find learning resources for VR, especially with niche hardware like the Varjo Aero? View Answer
How can I create a bootable Windows 11 USB using only my Steam Deck?
How can I create a bootable USB for Windows 11 using only my Steam Deck? View Answer
How to Fix My Headset Mic Issues on Windows 10?
[Astroneer] - Why does Windows 10 forget my headset mic? Seeking a solution for persistent audio issues with Soundcore devices. View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


Apex Legends Box Art

Apex Legends

Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play Hero shooter where legendary characters with powerful abilities team up to battle for fame & fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Master an ever-growing roster of diverse Legends, deep tactical squad play and bold new innovations that go beyond the Battle Royale experience—all within a rugged world where anything goes. Welcome to the next evolution of Hero Shooter.
Windosill: Steam Deck Edition Box Art

Windosill: Steam Deck Edition

Explore a series of landscapes populated by objects and creatures that come alive with your engagement.


Lightning Strike Took Out My PS5 – What Should I Do?

My PS5 was struck by lightning, and now it's dead. Can insurance help with this situation?

First-Time PC Build Help Needed!

Looking for help building my first PC. Can someone verify everything before I boot it up?

Why won't my new PC build post? DRAM light is stuck!

What to do when PC DRAM light is stuck and won't post? Here's how to troubleshoot the issue.

Why does my SteamDeck keep disconnecting from the monitor?

Why does my partner's SteamDeck disconnect frequently when connecting to a monitor? Any advice appreciated!

Help a Gaming Mom: Need More Ports for My Streaming Setup

What devices do I need to connect to my laptop for streaming as a gaming mom with limited ports?

Help! Minecraft Bedrock Installation Stuck on 'Waiting to Install'

Why is my Bedrock installation stuck on 'waiting to install' despite restarting my laptop and searching for solutions?

Monitor Issues After Switching Between Laptop and PC

Why isn't my monitor recognized after reconnecting from a laptop? Troubleshooting tips and insights shared.

Help! Apex Legends Freezing and Crashing on Xbox

Seeking help for Apex Legends freezing and crashing issues on Xbox after a year of unresolved problems.

Do I Need to Update My Motherboard's BIOS and Drivers?

Is it necessary to update the BIOS and all drivers for the PRO B650-S WIFI motherboard after purchasing a new PC?

Why is Windows 11 Taking Up 900GB on My NVMe Drive?

Why is Windows 11 taking up 900GB on a fresh install with no data left?