Switch games


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Suggestions for Boss Rush Games on Steam Deck or Switch?
Looking for boss rush games similar to Cuphead and Furi playable on Steam Deck or Switch? Check out these recommendations! View Answer
Can this game work on a Switch Lite?
[MineCraft] - Is this version compatible with the Switch Lite? I can't find anything about it. This is the only one I can find in stores. View Answer
Looking for Recommendations: Farm and Cozy Games
[Roots of Pacha] - What are some recommended farm or cozy games, especially for Switch, given my gaming preferences and experiences? View Answer
Standalone Action Games Recommendations for Various Consoles
[Vanquish] - What standalone action games should I play on PC, Switch, 3DS, or PS3? View Answer
What are some great games to play on Switch if I love exploring like in Zelda?
[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild] - Looking for games similar to Zelda on Switch? Discover hidden gems with exploration and puzzle-solving elements. View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


Roots of Pacha Box Art

Roots of Pacha

Roots of Pacha is a co-op farming and life simulation game set in the stone age, where you and your clan just settled in a promised and fertile land. By connecting with nature at your own pace you’ll help your clan evolve, develop culture and relationships, and discover the mysteries of Pacha, mother nature.
Vanquish Box Art


Players take the role of Sam, a government agent who must stop the threat before it is too late. Armed with a special suit and a plethora of weapons, Sam also has an array of martial arts skills that he can use to take down his robot enemies.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Box Art

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U consoles. Released in 2017, this open-world exploration game redefines the traditional boundaries of the Zelda series, offering a vast and diverse environment, intricate puzzles, and intense combat. Players take on the role of the iconic protagonist, Link, as he embarks on a quest to save the…


What are some great games to play on Switch if I love exploring like in Zelda?

Looking for games similar to Zelda on Switch? Discover hidden gems with exploration and puzzle-solving elements.

Standalone Action Games Recommendations for Various Consoles

What standalone action games should I play on PC, Switch, 3DS, or PS3?

Looking for Recommendations: Farm and Cozy Games

What are some recommended farm or cozy games, especially for Switch, given my gaming preferences and experiences?

Can this game work on a Switch Lite?

Is this version compatible with the Switch Lite? I can't find anything about it. This is the only one I can find in stores.

Suggestions for Boss Rush Games on Steam Deck or Switch?

Looking for boss rush games similar to Cuphead and Furi playable on Steam Deck or Switch? Check out these recommendations!