Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Weapon Trading Etiquette in Save the World Mode
[Fortnite] - Exploring 'Save the World' weapon etiquette: Is trading expected or can players gift weapons freely in Fortnite's Canny Valley? View Answer
How to Overcome Building Limit in STW Twine Peaks?
[Fortnite] - Reached build limit in STW Twine Peaks base, removed structures but can't build, need solution to progress. Suggestions needed. View Answer
Why do survivors and mist monster rifts appear near slopes in Save the World?
[Fortnite] - Why do survivors and mist monster rifts spawn near slopes in STW? Is it a coding quirk? View Answer
Can I Still Get V-Bucks From Completed Storm Shield Defense Missions?
Can I earn V-bucks from previously completed Storm Shield Defense missions now that I'm a founder in STW? View Answer
Is the Zapotron really broken in STW?
Is the Zapotron broken in STW, with charged attacks doing zero damage? Here's what players are experiencing. View Answer
Dealing with Frustrating Teammates: Tips Anyone?
[Fortnite] - How can I stay calm with frustrating teammates in STW and handle their negativity during missions? View Answer

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Fortnite Box Art


Before Fortnite became an international sensation with its Battle Royale game mode, it launched as a coop game with a mode known as Save the World. This was where four players could team up together to take on hordes of NPC enemies, completing objectives in the process in order to save the world from the impending doom that was incoming. The mechanics of the game were very similar to that…
Save the World Box Art

Save the World

In a world plagued by conflict, greed, and division, hope arrives from beyond the stars. The aliens have come to Earth, and they're listening to everything you say and make it a reality. What will you do with all this sudden power? Will you be able to save the world?


Should I Open My 10 Founders Llamas in StW?

Should I open my Founders Llamas in StW or keep them closed for potential value?

Dealing with Frustrating Teammates: Tips Anyone?

How can I stay calm with frustrating teammates in STW and handle their negativity during missions?

Is the Zapotron really broken in STW?

Is the Zapotron broken in STW, with charged attacks doing zero damage? Here's what players are experiencing.

Can I Still Get V-Bucks From Completed Storm Shield Defense Missions?

Can I earn V-bucks from previously completed Storm Shield Defense missions now that I'm a founder in STW?

Why do survivors and mist monster rifts appear near slopes in Save the World?

Why do survivors and mist monster rifts spawn near slopes in STW? Is it a coding quirk?

How to Overcome Building Limit in STW Twine Peaks?

Reached build limit in STW Twine Peaks base, removed structures but can't build, need solution to progress. Suggestions needed.

Weapon Trading Etiquette in Save the World Mode

Exploring 'Save the World' weapon etiquette: Is trading expected or can players gift weapons freely in Fortnite's Canny Valley?