story-based games
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
I'm looking for engaging, story-focused PS4 games perfect for 10-day visits without losing narrative appeal. View Answer
[Firewatch] - What are some story-rich games similar to Firewatch that can quickly hook me like my favorites do? View Answer
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Firewatch is a single-player first-person video game where you, as a man named Henry, explore the Wyoming wilderness after taking a summer job as a fire lookout. What is supposed to be a peaceful respite from your complicated life takes a turn when you start to question some of the things that are happening to you. Your only human connection is over a handheld radio, which you’ll use to speak…
Can you recommend story-rich games similar to Firewatch?
What are some story-rich games similar to Firewatch that can quickly hook me like my favorites do?
Looking for Narrative-Rich PS4 Games That Work for Short Home Stays
I'm looking for engaging, story-focused PS4 games perfect for 10-day visits without losing narrative appeal.