

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Where's the basement of the national radio astronomy research center?
[Fallout 76] - How do you get to the basement of the national radio astronomy research center. I need a scanner in the basement View Answer
How do you get to the bell at the top of the church?
[Maquette] - How do you get to the ringing bell at the top of the church in Maquette? View Answer
How to climb steep stairs to get the book?
[Maquette] - How are you meant to get to the top of the steep stairs in maquette in order to reach the book item that is at the top? View Answer

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Fallout 76 Box Art

Fallout 76

It's the end of the world as we know it! The end of the world is not all doom and gloom however. Fallout 76 is a unique experience in the Fallout franchise from Bethesda as it is the first game that is focussed in providing an online experience. Fallout 76 is more like an MMO RPG, just not quite as massive in terms of players in a single map. Fallout…
Maquette Box Art


Maquette is a first-person recursive puzzle game that takes you into a world where every building, plant, and object are simultaneously tiny and staggeringly huge. By simply changing the perspective at which you view the object, you can navigate your way through some incredibly creative puzzles that will make you put your mind to work.


How to climb steep stairs to get the book?

How are you meant to get to the top of the steep stairs in maquette in order to reach the book item that is at the top?

How do you get to the bell at the top of the church?

How do you get to the ringing bell at the top of the church in Maquette?

Where's the basement of the national radio astronomy research center?

How do you get to the basement of the national radio astronomy research center. I need a scanner in the basement