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Cloth Farming Guide

Cloth is a material that is so common that you are likely to overlook the need to gather it during the early stages of the game. It can be used for creating various clothing and some furniture. Since most of...
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Lead Farming Guide

Lead is a metal that is commonly used for blocking radiation. This property has also been extended into the world of Fallout 76. Lead can be used when crafting armor as a means to boost radiation resistance. This is a...
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Black Titanium Farming Guide

Black Titanium is a high end crafting material that is not something people often need until much later in the game. It is used for some special weapons for high-level power armor. The item only drops from a very small...
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Adhesive Farming Guide

Adhesive is a material you will need for crafting a large number of materials in Fallout 76. Locating adhesive is not immediately obvious and is less difficult once you know that bottles of wonderglue are not the only sources of...
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Plastic Farming Guide

Plastic is a fairly common resource in Fallout 76 but it is often concentrated in certain areas. Knowing these areas will allow you to pick up a crazy amount of plastic in a short amount of time. Even without knowing...

How do You Make Ceramic?

How do you make ceramic in Astroneer? What resources do you need to use or where can you find it in the world?

Where Do You Find Clay?

Where do you find clay in this game? I have looked around the planet and I have no come across any yet. Where do you get it?

How Do You Build A Smelter?

How do you build a smelting furnace for creating resources in Astroneer?

Where do you find Tungsten?

Where do you find Tungsten for crafting in Astroneer?
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The Last Of Us Part 2 Beginners Guide

The Last of Us is not your traditional Naughty Dog game. Going around with guns blazing is not the way to go about things. The controls differ, the enemies are unusual and there are some new mechanics that make this...