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Can't Release Prisoners" Bug in "In His Wake"
[Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores] - I am unable to open the door that contains the prisoners for the quest In his wake, anyone know what to do? View Answer

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Box Art

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores

Travel beyond the Forbidden West as Aloy’s story continues. Encounter new machines and a compelling new story. South of the Tenakth Clan Lands, millennia of volcanic eruptions and violent seismic activity have carved the ruins of Los Angeles into a treacherous archipelago. Experience the next chapter of Horizon Forbidden West as Aloy pursues a sinister new threat to the planet, hidden among these dangerous, untamed wilds.


Can't Release Prisoners" Bug in "In His Wake"

I am unable to open the door that contains the prisoners for the quest In his wake, anyone know what to do?