

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How do you observe Mongol leaders?
[Ghost of Tsushima] - How are you meant to observe the Mongol leaders in Ghost of Tsushima? I have an objective now to observe one at the beach and I don't know-how. View Answer

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Ghost of Tsushima Box Art

Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost ot Tsushima is a third person, open world game based on an a Samurai living on the Japanese island of Tsushima that has been invaded by the Mongolians. The game was developed by Sucker Punch, the studio behind the popular InFamous franchise. The Game was first released for the PlayStation 4 console on the 17th of July 2020.


How do you observe Mongol leaders?

How are you meant to observe the Mongol leaders in Ghost of Tsushima? I have an objective now to observe one at the beach and I don't know-how.