Legion 5i


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

What's the Best Gaming Laptop Under $1600?
Looking for a gaming laptop around $1600? Get advice on specs for smooth gaming experience. Suggestions for models and configurations included. View Answer
Why is my new Legion 5i using 7GB RAM when idle?
Is 7GB RAM usage while idle normal for my new Legion 5i gaming laptop, and what else should I remove? View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


Why is my new Legion 5i using 7GB RAM when idle?

Is 7GB RAM usage while idle normal for my new Legion 5i gaming laptop, and what else should I remove?

What's the Best Gaming Laptop Under $1600?

Looking for a gaming laptop around $1600? Get advice on specs for smooth gaming experience. Suggestions for models and configurations included.