

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Are The Roads worth building In Death Stranding?
[Death Stranding] - The cost of building the roads in Death Stranding is quite expensive. Having a highway is useful but is it worth the trouble of having to search for the resources. Does it cost more time than it saves? View Answer

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Death Stranding Box Art

Death Stranding

Death Stranding is the first game from Hideo Kojima's new studio Kojima productions. Since parting ways with Konami in what appeared to be a bitter riff, we have known he is working on a new project, but it was kept under wraps until launch. The game launched to mixed reviews. Some people were very fond of the game and how it tried to do something different. The other side of…


Are The Roads worth building In Death Stranding?

The cost of building the roads in Death Stranding is quite expensive. Having a highway is useful but is it worth the trouble of having to search for the resources. Does it cost more time than it saves?