hardware problems


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Steam Deck Won't Turn On After Almost Two Years – Need Advice!
SteamDeck stopped working after 2 years of daily use, showing smoke signs. Attempts to fix include SSD swap, battery replacement considered. View Answer
Why can't I push my i7-980X past 3.9 GHz?
What limits my i7-980x CPU from going over 3.9 GHz despite using a stock cooler and updated BIOS? View Answer
Help! My MSI G271 Monitor Has Issues at 144Hz
What to do when my MSI G271 monitor shows dead pixels or stripes at 144Hz but works fine under 60Hz? View Answer
Why is my computer tripping the circuit breaker?
Is my PSU or UPS causing my computer to trip the circuit breaker while gaming? Seeking advice on resolving this issue. View Answer
Help! My PC Keeps Shutting Off for No Reason
Why does my computer shut off unexpectedly when I walk away while using it? Seeking solutions and insights from others. View Answer
Why Won't My Intel CPU Cooler Fit?
Having trouble fitting Intel's CPU cooler on a Gigabyte B760M DS3H? You're not alone in this frustrating experience. View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers



Why Are My PCIE Risers Stuck at Gen 3?

Why are my PCIe risers stuck at gen 3 when my GPU runs at gen 4 directly on the motherboard?

Help! My Laptop Randomly Shuts Down While Playing Minecraft

Experiencing random laptop shutdowns while playing Minecraft? Let's explore possible causes and solutions.

Help! My PC Keeps Shutting Off for No Reason

Why does my computer shut off unexpectedly when I walk away while using it? Seeking solutions and insights from others.

Why Won't My Intel CPU Cooler Fit?

Having trouble fitting Intel's CPU cooler on a Gigabyte B760M DS3H? You're not alone in this frustrating experience.

Why is my computer tripping the circuit breaker?

Is my PSU or UPS causing my computer to trip the circuit breaker while gaming? Seeking advice on resolving this issue.

Help! My MSI G271 Monitor Has Issues at 144Hz

What to do when my MSI G271 monitor shows dead pixels or stripes at 144Hz but works fine under 60Hz?

Why can't I push my i7-980X past 3.9 GHz?

What limits my i7-980x CPU from going over 3.9 GHz despite using a stock cooler and updated BIOS?

Steam Deck Won't Turn On After Almost Two Years – Need Advice!

SteamDeck stopped working after 2 years of daily use, showing smoke signs. Attempts to fix include SSD swap, battery replacement considered.