

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Does bHaptics Offer Motion Tracking Similar to Vive Trackers?
I'm exploring if bHaptics offers motion trackers like Vive trackers and what that means for VR setups. View Answer
How do the new Resident Evil remakes hold up on consoles?
Are the new Resident Evil remakes impressive on console with haptic feedback and sound for Halloween gaming? View Answer
What's the Deal with Not Cranking Haptics Past 7db on the Deck?
Is increasing haptics level beyond 7db on the Steam Deck safe, or does it risk damage to the device? View Answer

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What's the Deal with Not Cranking Haptics Past 7db on the Deck?

Is increasing haptics level beyond 7db on the Steam Deck safe, or does it risk damage to the device?

How do the new Resident Evil remakes hold up on consoles?

Are the new Resident Evil remakes impressive on console with haptic feedback and sound for Halloween gaming?

Does bHaptics Offer Motion Tracking Similar to Vive Trackers?

I'm exploring if bHaptics offers motion trackers like Vive trackers and what that means for VR setups.