handheld consoles


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Do the new mobile consoles from CES outperform the Steam Deck significantly?
Are new mobile consoles announced at CES a significant power bump to the Steam Deck for playing modern gen games like Starfield? View Answer
Should I Choose the N3DS XL or Stick with the O3DS XL?
Is the price difference between N3DS(XL) and O3DS(XL) worth it for casual gaming? View Answer
Is the Rivals Experience Smooth on the SD OLED Compared to Legion Go?
[Rivals] - Is the Rivals experience on the SD OLED as buggy as the Legion Go? Seeking insights before selling my device. View Answer

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Rivals Box Art


Rivals is a mystery puzzle game that asks the player to piece together the story of Josh and Luke, two rival musicians over the course of their 15 year relationship. The game uses written sources, audio logs, music and images to build up a rich and immersive picture of a musical world.


Is the Rivals Experience Smooth on the SD OLED Compared to Legion Go?

Is the Rivals experience on the SD OLED as buggy as the Legion Go? Seeking insights before selling my device.

Should I Choose the N3DS XL or Stick with the O3DS XL?

Is the price difference between N3DS(XL) and O3DS(XL) worth it for casual gaming?

Do the new mobile consoles from CES outperform the Steam Deck significantly?

Are new mobile consoles announced at CES a significant power bump to the Steam Deck for playing modern gen games like Starfield?