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Can You Help Me Identify This PS4 Game?
Can anyone guess the dark, Nordic hack'n'slash PS4 game with a female character? Help me remember its title! View Answer

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Dragonkin: The Banished Box Art

Dragonkin: The Banished

In a world ravaged by dragons, play as four heroes, solo or multiplayer, and fight hordes of enemies, adapt your build with the unique Ancestral Grid system, improve your city, and share it with your friends.


Can You Help Me Identify This PS4 Game?

Can anyone guess the dark, Nordic hack'n'slash PS4 game with a female character? Help me remember its title!
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Dragonkin: The Banished Prepares for Early Access Launch

Gaming News
The new and dynamic title, Dragonkin: The Banished, is the latest project from French developers Eko Software. This game is set to light up screens with its release on Steam's Early Access platform, slated for 6 March 2025. The initial...
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Eko Software and NACON Reveal New Mechanics for 'Dragonkin: The Banished'

Gaming News
Eko Software and NACON have unveiled an exciting new video for their upcoming hack and slash adventure, 'Dragonkin: The Banished'. The video highlights the ingenuity behind the game's unique skill system which promises to enhance player engagement and strategic depth....