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[Dino Crisis 2] - Did Dino Crisis 2 have a PC release or is my memory deceiving me? GOG now sells it, but I only recall the PS1 version with BLEEM! View Answer
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Dino Crisis 2
Dino Crisis 2 is a third-person action-adventure game and sequel to Dino Crisis. In a change from the survival horror theme of the first game, Dino Crisis 2 is more shoot 'em up oriented. The character always runs, thus removing the need for the run button from the first game, a second gun can be carried and more weapons were added to the game. Besides changes to the gameplay, the…
Did Dino Crisis 2 Ever Get a PC Release or Is My Memory Failing Me?
Did Dino Crisis 2 have a PC release or is my memory deceiving me? GOG now sells it, but I only recall the PS1 version with BLEEM!