Gaming Tactics


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Is the Quasar Cannon still effective in Helldivers 2?
[Helldivers] - Examining Quasar Cannon performance vs RR and Spear; discussing tactics, strengths, and situational use in combat. View Answer
Best Loadout Suggestions Using the W.A.S.P. in Helldivers
What loadout works best with the W.A.S.P for a Helghan assault infantry playstyle? View Answer
When Should You Choose Stun Grenades Over Smoke Bombs in AC Unity?
[Assassin's Creed Unity] - Are stun grenades worth using over smoke bombs in AC Unity's co-op mode? Let's explore their advantages and uses. View Answer

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Helldivers Box Art


Helldivers is a topdown shooter set in a satirical dystopian future where mankind is ruled by a managed democracy. You are part of the Helldivers – the spearhead of humanity’s defense against the perpetual alien threat on Super Earth. With up to four player co-op missions, working together as a team is vital, whether calling in strikes or placing weapons, each action must be totally synchronized to achieve the objectives.…
Assassins Creed Unity Box Art

Assassin's Creed Unity

Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once-magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestoned streets run red with the blood of commoners who dare to rise up against an oppressive aristocracy. Yet as the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of…


When Should You Choose Stun Grenades Over Smoke Bombs in AC Unity?

Are stun grenades worth using over smoke bombs in AC Unity's co-op mode? Let's explore their advantages and uses.

Best Loadout Suggestions Using the W.A.S.P. in Helldivers

What loadout works best with the W.A.S.P for a Helghan assault infantry playstyle?

Is the Quasar Cannon still effective in Helldivers 2?

Examining Quasar Cannon performance vs RR and Spear; discussing tactics, strengths, and situational use in combat.