Games Workshop


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Why Is the Land Raider Crusader So Pricey?
[Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding] - Wondering why the Land Raider Crusader is so pricey? Exploring its cost and seeking affordable, official alternatives. View Answer
Why Aren't There Models for All Original Chapter Masters?
Why haven't Games Workshop made models for the chapter masters of the original nine legions in Warhammer 40k? View Answer
What if Games Workshop Sold Pre-Painted Miniatures? Would You Buy Them?
[Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding] - Would pre-painted miniatures from Games Workshop attract buyers, despite the essence of the hobby being at stake? View Answer
What's the Deal with Mini Quality in the New Killteam Starter Set?
[Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding] - What is the mini quality like in the new Killteam starter set compared to older models? View Answer
Why Do Drukhari Players Feel Left Behind by GW?
[Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding] - Why does it seem like GW has it out for the Drukhari in WH40K? A new player's perspective on balance and support. View Answer
Can I Still Get My Free Ultramarine Intercessor?
[Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding] - Can I get a free Warhammer Intercessor despite past hobby experience? Seeking advice after being denied by a store. View Answer

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Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding Box Art

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding

The Primaris are ready to step in the battle for the God Emperor and the Holy Throne. Eight new units and unique gameplay mechanics will give you more options for the fight for Gladius Prime.


Why Aren't There Models for All Original Chapter Masters?

Why haven't Games Workshop made models for the chapter masters of the original nine legions in Warhammer 40k?

Can I Still Get My Free Ultramarine Intercessor?

Can I get a free Warhammer Intercessor despite past hobby experience? Seeking advice after being denied by a store.

What if Games Workshop Sold Pre-Painted Miniatures? Would You Buy Them?

Would pre-painted miniatures from Games Workshop attract buyers, despite the essence of the hobby being at stake?

Why Do Drukhari Players Feel Left Behind by GW?

Why does it seem like GW has it out for the Drukhari in WH40K? A new player's perspective on balance and support.

What's the Deal with Mini Quality in the New Killteam Starter Set?

What is the mini quality like in the new Killteam starter set compared to older models?

Why Is the Land Raider Crusader So Pricey?

Wondering why the Land Raider Crusader is so pricey? Exploring its cost and seeking affordable, official alternatives.