gameplay pacing


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Does Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth get less cutscene-heavy as the game progresses?
[Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth] - Does 'Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth' maintain its early game style or does it open up as you progress? View Answer
What Are Your Thoughts on Scatter Dice and Templates?
Did players dislike Scatter Die and Templates in games due to debates and gameplay disruption, or were they fun distractions? View Answer

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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Box Art

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Two larger-than-life heroes, Ichiban Kasuga and Kazuma Kiryu are brought together by the hand of fate, or perhaps something more sinister… Live it up in Japan and explore all that Hawaii has to offer in an RPG adventure so big it spans the Pacific. Like a Dragon 8 is the next installment in the Yakuza series that will feature Ichiban and Kiryu as dual protagonists.


What Are Your Thoughts on Scatter Dice and Templates?

Did players dislike Scatter Die and Templates in games due to debates and gameplay disruption, or were they fun distractions?

Does Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth get less cutscene-heavy as the game progresses?

Does 'Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth' maintain its early game style or does it open up as you progress?