game writing
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
[Disco Elysium] - Why do many big-budget singleplayer games have poor writing despite huge budgets? View Answer
[Wizard Warfare 2: Cephalopod Wars] - Why can't book authors write game stories? Exploring the challenges of adaptation and authorship in gaming. View Answer
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Disco Elysium
A CRPG in which, waking up in a hotel room a total amnesiac with highly opinionated voices in his head, a middle-aged detective on a murder case inadvertently ends up playing a part in the political dispute between a local labour union and a larger international body, all while struggling to piece together his past, diagnose the nature of the reality around him and come to terms with said reality.

Wizard Warfare 2: Cephalopod Wars
Wizard Warfare 2: Cephalopod Wars is the sequel to Wizard Warfare, a fantasy-themed, 4X-style, turn-based strategy game with a strategic empire management layer supported by a detailed tactical battle simulation layer. Now includes fully simulated naval battles.
Why don't book authors write the stories for video games?
Why can't book authors write game stories? Exploring the challenges of adaptation and authorship in gaming.
Why is the writing in AAA singleplayer games often disappointing despite large budgets?
Why do many big-budget singleplayer games have poor writing despite huge budgets?