game genres


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

What Game Genres Just Aren't For You and Why?
Which game genres do you dislike? Hero shooters and others are frustrating due to team dependency, making improvement hard to gauge. View Answer
What Exactly Defines RPG Games and Which of These Count?
What defines RPG games, and which popular titles fit this genre? Insights for a speech on the subject. View Answer
Is Kid Icarus Uprising Considered a Looter Shooter?
[Kid Icarus: Uprising] - Can Kid Icarus Uprising be considered a looter shooter despite differing definitions of the genre? View Answer
Are Zelda Games True Metroidvanias? Let's Discuss!
Do Zelda games fit within the Metroidvania genre? Let's explore the elements and opinions around this topic. View Answer
What are some great PC-exclusive games I should check out?
What PC-exclusive games should I play as a newcomer to PC gaming? Explore great titles not available on consoles. View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


Kid Icarus: Uprising Box Art

Kid Icarus: Uprising

One of the most beloved franchises in Nintendos long history makes its glorious return in spectacular 3D! Pit of Kid Icarus fame is back in a new game designed specifically for the Nintendo 3DS system, by Masahiro Sakurai, creator of the Kirby and Super Smash Bros. franchises, and his development team at Project Sora. Kid Icarus: Uprising is a fast-paced and action-packed blend of aerial and ground-based shooting built on…


What are some great PC-exclusive games I should check out?

What PC-exclusive games should I play as a newcomer to PC gaming? Explore great titles not available on consoles.

Are Zelda Games True Metroidvanias? Let's Discuss!

Do Zelda games fit within the Metroidvania genre? Let's explore the elements and opinions around this topic.

Is Kid Icarus Uprising Considered a Looter Shooter?

Can Kid Icarus Uprising be considered a looter shooter despite differing definitions of the genre?

What Exactly Defines RPG Games and Which of These Count?

What defines RPG games, and which popular titles fit this genre? Insights for a speech on the subject.

What Game Genres Just Aren't For You and Why?

Which game genres do you dislike? Hero shooters and others are frustrating due to team dependency, making improvement hard to gauge.