Fallout NV


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Is RockerBacon’s Archived MO2 Linux Installer Still the Best Option for Modding Fallout NV?
[Fallout: New Vegas] - RockerBacon archived the MO2 Linux installer—questioning if it’s still the best setup for Fallout NV modding on Linux. View Answer

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Fallout: New Vegas Box Art

Fallout: New Vegas

In this first-person Western RPG, the player takes on the role of Courier 6, barely surviving after being robbed of their cargo, shot and put into a shallow grave by a New Vegas mob boss. The Courier sets out to track down their robbers and retrieve their cargo, and winds up getting tangled in the complex ideological and socioeconomic web of the many factions and settlements of post-nuclear Nevada.


Is RockerBacon’s Archived MO2 Linux Installer Still the Best Option for Modding Fallout NV?

RockerBacon archived the MO2 Linux installer—questioning if it’s still the best setup for Fallout NV modding on Linux.