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How do you unlock the lift at the asylum with the key?
[Syberia 3] - How are you meant to solve the puzzle with the squid key to unlock the elevator door at the asylum? View Answer

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Just In Time Incorporated Box Art

Just In Time Incorporated

As a "Death Prevention Insurance” agent, your job is saving clients from certain death as disasters play out in slow-motion. Your Hyper-Gloves allow you to move super-fast, teleport, and even catch bullets. It's a good thing too, because death lurks in every corner in this virtual reality action/comedy.
Syberia 3 Box Art

Syberia 3

Check out the Syberia 3 game page for more game guides, tips, tutorials and more


How do you unlock the lift at the asylum with the key?

How are you meant to solve the puzzle with the squid key to unlock the elevator door at the asylum?

Killing the guy from the elevator in the Sanderson mission?
