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The Best Class To Use In Destiny 2

The Best Class To Use In Destiny 2

Just like the first Destiny game, Destiny 2 comes with 3 distinct character classes that grant you access to unique abilities and powers related to…
Fastest Way To Level In Destiny 2

Fastest Way To Level In Destiny 2

Level 20 is the max level your character can reach in Destiny 2. There is a trophy/achievement for reaching level 20 which should come naturally…
Skyrim Levelling Guide - Level Up Fast

Skyrim Levelling Guide - Level Up Fast

Character progression works a little differently in Skyrim than it does in other common RPGs. It even works differently from that of Fallout, a game…
Fastest Way To Increase Gear Score In Division 2

Fastest Way To Increase Gear Score In Division 2

Once you reach level 30 and complete all of the main story missions in Division 2, you will reach what is known as the end…
Creating The Best Character In Fallout 4

Creating The Best Character In Fallout 4

Creating a character in any RPG can be fun and stressful. You need to make sure you don't make a decision that later affects your…
Increasing SPECIAL Stats In Fallout Shelter

Increasing SPECIAL Stats In Fallout Shelter

S.P.E.C.I.A.L (Strength, Perception, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) stats are a reoccurring system throughout the Fallout series. Fallout Shelter SPECIAL Stats are applied to each…
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Mass Effect Box Art

Mass Effect

A remaster of the original Mass Effect included in the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition bundle.
God of War Box Art

God of War

Having killed all of the Greek gods, Kratos moved north to Scandinavia to settle down and live a peaceful life. Little did he know, he has moved to a different area of the world that has a whole new lineup of gods that do not take kindly to Kratos coming to their part of town. What unfolds is one of the most enjoyable stories and experiences in the history of…
Resident Evil Box Art

Resident Evil

Resident Evil is a survival horror classic in which a group of special forces agents, known as S.T.A.R.S, struggle against hordes of zombies and various other mutants in a mysterious mansion as they try to uncover the truth behind the terrifying infection. The gameplay environment consists of polygonal 3D characters placed over pre-rendered 2D backgrounds. As such, the game relies on pre-determined camera angles for a view of the action…
Alan Wake II Box Art

Alan Wake II

Saga Anderson arrives to investigate ritualistic murders in a small town. Alan Wake pens a dark story to shape the reality around him. These two heroes are somehow connected. Can they become the heroes they need to be?


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Why Didn't Ilkka Villi Voice the Character Alan Wake

The character of Alan Wake from the popular video game franchise of the same name carries a certain duality, specifically in the delineation between his visual and auditory portrayals. This division is facilitated by two artists - while the character...
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Best Mass Effect Sidekick

Immerse yourself in the detailed universe of the Mass Effect series through our character exploration guide. Each character in this illustrious game series brings a unique charm, an intriguing backstory, and distinctive character development that adds to the overall richness...
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Most Evil Villains In Video Games

What would a video game be without a formidable foe to test our skills, determination, and courage? Enter the evilest villains in video games – those wicked and ruthless antagonists who made our blood boil with their diabolical plans and...
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Video Game Villains Who Tried To Be Good People

We all know that every good video game has a boss or nasty character to vanquish, right? But what about those villains who had a change of heart and tried to turn their chaotic lives around? Yup, you've guessed it...
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Best Actor To Play Kratos (God Of War)

As we dive into the immersive world of video games, few characters manage to embody power, conflict, and a deep-seated sense of raw emotion like Kratos from the renowned 'God of War series. This Spartan warrior-turned-God has captured the imaginations...
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Jill vs Chris in Resident Evil: Which Character Is Best

Gaming Posts
Today, we're diving into one of the classic debates in popular survival horror genre, particularly in Resident Evil 1: Should you play as Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield? The differences between these two characters are subtle yet significant enough to...
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Exploring Greek Mythology in Gaming

Gaming Posts
If you've ever marveled at the epic battles between Kratos and the gods in God of War or recruited a mighty Minotaur to your cause in Age of Mythology, you know that Greek mythology has left an indelible mark on...
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Creating the Ultimate Minotaur Character In RPGs

Gaming Posts
If you're looking to create a truly epic Minotaur character for your next role-playing adventure, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of crafting a well-rounded and engaging Minotaur character, covering...
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Top 10 Games Featuring Skeleton Characters

Skeleton characters have always held a special place in the world of video games, often serving as formidable foes or even as playable characters. From spine-tingling adventures to bone-rattling battles, these games showcase the best of the best when it...
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Worgen Name Generator

Welcome to the ultimate Worgen name generator, where you can find the perfect name for your fierce and powerful werewolf character from the game Warcraft. Are you struggling to come up with a creative name for your Worgen character? Or...