casual games


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Looking for Small and Cozy Games to Play During Downtime
Looking for short, casual games to play during breaks? Check out these cozy options you can enjoy with friends or solo. View Answer
What Games Run Well on Older PCs with Low Specs?
Searching for casual or turn-based games for an old PC with GT 710 and i5 2400. Currently enjoying Into the Breach and more. View Answer
Seeking Free Android Game Without Daily Grind or Stamina Limits
What are some F2P Android games without extensive dailies, stamina, and without annoying ads? View Answer
Relaxing Mobile Games for New Parents with a Free Hand
What are some chill portrait games suitable for one-handed play during newborn nighttime feeds? View Answer
What are some easy-to-pick-up games similar to Cluster Truck?
Looking for simple, engaging games like Cluster Truck to enjoy with friends, even non-gamers. Suggestions? View Answer
Best Gaming Laptop for My Girlfriend in the UK?
[Hogwarts Legacy] - What gaming laptop under £500 can my girlfriend use for casual co-op games in the UK? View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


Hogwarts Legacy Box Art

Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an action RPG set in the Harry Potter universe where players will take on the role of a student attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. The game is set in the late 1800s and will give players a completely new story set in a time long before Albus Dumbledore was the principal of the school. Create your own unique witch and wizards and explore the castle…
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding Box Art

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Ultima Founding

The Primaris are ready to step in the battle for the God Emperor and the Holy Throne. Eight new units and unique gameplay mechanics will give you more options for the fight for Gladius Prime.


What's the Deal with Proxies at Warhammer World?

What are the rules for using proxies at Warhammer World during casual games?

Best Gaming Laptop for My Girlfriend in the UK?

What gaming laptop under £500 can my girlfriend use for casual co-op games in the UK?

What are some easy-to-pick-up games similar to Cluster Truck?

Looking for simple, engaging games like Cluster Truck to enjoy with friends, even non-gamers. Suggestions?

Building a Blood Angels Firstborn List - Need Help!

Can I create a competitive Blood Angels Firstborn list with limited models and kits for casual games?

Relaxing Mobile Games for New Parents with a Free Hand

What are some chill portrait games suitable for one-handed play during newborn nighttime feeds?

What's the Best Couch Co-op Game for the Steam Deck?

What smooth-running Couch Coop games can my wife and I enjoy on the Deck? Recommendations needed for casual play!

Seeking Free Android Game Without Daily Grind or Stamina Limits

What are some F2P Android games without extensive dailies, stamina, and without annoying ads?

What Games Run Well on Older PCs with Low Specs?

Searching for casual or turn-based games for an old PC with GT 710 and i5 2400. Currently enjoying Into the Breach and more.

Looking for Small and Cozy Games to Play During Downtime

Looking for short, casual games to play during breaks? Check out these cozy options you can enjoy with friends or solo.