

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How do you call your horse?
[Red Dead Redemption 2] - How do you call your horse in red dead redemption 2 when the horse is far away from you? View Answer
Wait a Day for Takemura's Call Glitched?
[Cyberpunk 2077] - Wait a day for Takemuras call is not working. He never rings no matter how much time I wait or other activities i do in the city. Is this quest glitched? View Answer
Wait a day for rogue to call, she never did?
[Cyberpunk 2077] - Wait a day for rogue to call is the current objective for a quest called chippin in. She has never called. View Answer

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Box Art

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a critically acclaimed action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. As a prequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption, it immerses players in a beautifully detailed, interactive open world set in the late 19th-century American frontier. The gameplay includes elements of shootouts, heists, hunting, and horseback riding.
Cyberpunk 2077 Box Art

Cyberpunk 2077

The long awaited futuristic shooter from the developers of the Witcher series. Cyberpunk brings you far into the future why even the most basic thugs have cyber enhancements that give them the edge in combat. Take on the cyber enhanced thugs of night city to earn respect and your place in urban legend in this gritty dystopian future.


Wait a day for rogue to call, she never did?

Wait a day for rogue to call is the current objective for a quest called chippin in. She has never called.

Wait a Day for Takemura's Call Glitched?

Wait a day for Takemuras call is not working. He never rings no matter how much time I wait or other activities i do in the city. Is this quest glitched?

How do you call your horse?

How do you call your horse in red dead redemption 2 when the horse is far away from you?