Video Games Questions & Answers

Video game questions and answers. Get help with a game you are stuck with or find some answers to questions others have asked already. Freqently asked gaming questions will help you get through a game you are stuck on.


How do you impress all three judges for the farmers got talent show in goat simulator 3.

I can't pickup the key for the bathroom in the quest needle in a crate stack in goat simulator 3

Where do I find Steve in the quest where you have to save Steve from drowning in goat simulator 3?

What is the password to use for the security terminal to unlock the door in the wellness centre in Alan wake 2?

Where do I find the moose skull mask for the float at coffee world in Alan wake 2?

How do I get the key from the safe at coffee world in Alan wake 2?

What is the code to unlock the stash that has the crossbow inside. I can't find the code.

How do I solve the tracker, looker cleaner puzzle for the coffee world safe in Alan wake 2?

What are you supposed to do with the light down in the tunnels of shrine st station in Alan wake 2?

Where do you find the door access code in the lab for the Wendell's Trace quest?