I picked up Save the World while buying the Eon bundle with an Xbox console back in 2020. Despite not being a Founder, I’m able to earn V-Bucks, and I can’t figure out why. Anyone know what’s going on? Shouldn’t earning V-Bucks be exclusive to Founders?
4 Answers
The Eon bundle included that version of Save the World and there was a bit of controversy because it was supposed to come with the full Fortnite game. To avoid problems, they threw in Save the World access. That’s likely how you have those V-Bucks challenges even without founder status.
Could your V-Bucks be from some quests that were in the bundle? Maybe it included quests that let you earn them.
It seems like your V-Bucks are part of the Eon bundle. Since the bundle came out before they stopped the Founder packs, it might have granted some of those perks, like unlimited V-Bucks, even though you’re technically not a Founder.
It might be tied to the fact that the Eon bundle was released while founders’ packs were still available. I think the bundle gave you sort of an honorary founder status. You get the V-Bucks perks, but without all the extra Founder benefits.