Hey everyone, I’m a bit lost and could use some advice. It’s my first time building a PC, and so far things have been fine. I’ve got the 24-pin non-split end hooked up to the motherboard, and the 18+10 split end is in the PSU. But now, I’ve seen in a few guides that the split end should connect to the motherboard instead. I’ve got an ASROCK B650M Pro RS Wifi mobo and a Corsair RM 750e Modular PSU. I’m worried if this is a problem and could damage my stuff. Any advice?
2 Answers
You’re good! The configuration you’ve got is right. 24-pin goes to the motherboard and split connectors attach to the PSU. No need to stress about it.
You totally nailed it! The way you’ve connected the cables is correct. The non-split end should indeed go to the motherboard, and the split end fits into the PSU. So, no worries, all good!
Thanks, that’s a huge relief. Also, I’m just about to install my new GPU which came with one of those braided adapters that branch out to two PCIe connectors. Do you think it’s better to not use this adapter and just use the connector that comes with the PSU?
Thanks, that’s a huge relief. Also, I’m just about to install my new GPU which came with one of those braided adapters that branch out to two PCIe connectors. Do you think it’s better to not use this adapter and just use the connector that comes with the PSU?