Where Have the Ilumated Disappeared to in the Galactic Map?


I was looking at the galactic map, and it seems like the Ilumated have suddenly vanished. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? What’s going on with them? Any insights would be great. Check it out when you can!

3 Answers

StarSeeker77 -

Yeah, this time seems a bit different. Apparently, all the Ilumated forces left at the same time, and now the galactic sensors are detecting some wild time-space fluctuations. Let’s wait a few hours and see if a small group returns, but if not, maybe we should be ready for something bigger.

GalacticWanderer99 -

This isn’t the first time these guys have vanished. They’ll likely pop up on another planet soon enough. I wouldn’t worry too much about it yet.

MysticVoyager -

Their motives are always mysterious. Perhaps there’s a strategic move happening behind the scenes that we just can’t see yet.

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