Where can I find Gondo?


I need to steer the windmill but it is missing a part. The guy told me to find Gondo and talk to him about his old junk robot that can find the missing part. I don’t think I have ever seen him before, the name is not familiar anyway. Where can I find Gondo?

Where can I find Gondo
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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1 Answer

GuacamoleFantastic -

You can find Gondo in the main market tent in Skyloft. The Bazzar I think. He is the guy with the weird helmet that has the eyes on it. He will repair and upgrade items for you.

If you speak to him when the quest is active he will talk to you about the robot and you can continue from there.

Where to find gondo
This is what Gondo looks like. You have definitely met him by now and not paid attention to his name


  1. Thank you!!!

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