Hey folks, I’m a Helldiver coming back after a break. I haven’t played in a few months because of my exams but I’m planning to start again around the 7th of February. One of the reasons I’m excited to return is to battle with the Illuminate. Can someone confirm if they’re still around or when they might be back?
3 Answers
Sounds like the Illuminate realized they were in over their heads and retreated for a bit. It’s a win for us, but don’t worry too much—space ain’t that stable, and they’ll pop back up eventually.
The Illuminate launched a fresh invasion not too long after you mentioned it. Even if they disappear, they tend to reappear within hours. Just hang tight and keep an eye on the map as they’re bound to show up again sooner or later.
Actually, the Illuminate are on the map right now. If you’re looking to dive in soon, you might catch them while they’re still invading some planets. Keep checking the map!
Thanks for the heads-up! Do you know when exactly they might show up again?