What's the Point of the Democracy Rocket in the Game?


Hey folks, am I missing something, or does the Democracy Space Station (DCM) just seem to warp around without actually helping? I’ve been waiting for it to do something cool like taking down enemies or joining in a fight, but nothing’s happened yet. Is there more to it?

3 Answers

NebulaNinja42 -

You gotta fill up the contribution bar first. Once it’s topped up, that’s when the magic happens! The special effect will last around 24 hours, then goes on cooldown for about 4 to 5 days before you get to recharge it. Kind of a long wait, but that’s how it rolls.

StarmanSlayer696 -

The Democracy Space Station does have a sorta warm-up period. Once it’s fully charged by the morning, it’ll unleash its power and send everyone some heavy firepower. You’ll unleash some serious chaos then, don’t worry!

OrbitalOverlord_101 -

When that Eagle Storm’s in play, watch out! Every enemy within a stone’s throw gets blasted right off the battlefield. It’s wild! The hot pick for the station right now is to help with offense campaigns. Everyone’s gonna get those 380mm orbitals, so brace yourself for some epic skirmishes!

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