The Gates To Mothers Watch Wont Open For Me


I am trying to get back into mothers watch in order to get the power cell and the main gates are closed. I have read other posts where people say to go across the bridge and come back after you have gone far enough that you cant see the gates anymore. Once i get back the gates are still closed and I can’t get inside. What am I doing wrong, I cant get back inside no matter what I try to do?

The Gates To Mothers Watch Wont Open For Me
Horizon Zero Dawn

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1 Answer

Dan -

This might not actually be a glitch, if you have progressed to a certain point in the story, you might be locked out for a while before being able to go back inside. I wont give any spoilers, but it is likely due to the story that you can’t get back inside. There is a way to get back in, but it is quite tricky. I have actually created a guide and a video for this on the Zero Dawn guide. This guide shows you how to get back into mothers cradle when the gates are locked. 

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