Randvi stuck at the bottom of the sunken tower


I have been bringing Randvi around on the horse for the “taken for granted” quest and she asked to go see the sunken tower. I brought her here and she said she wants to climb to the top. She river into the water but now she is stuck at the bottom of the sunken tower. I was expecting her to start climbing it or something but she is just hanging out in the water below and won’t move.

Randvi stuck at the bottom of the sunken tower
Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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1 Answer

savageeye -

These kinda of pathfinding bugs seem very common in this game compared to others I have played in the past. The only solution we know of for the moment is to reload your last game save. There should have been an auto save when you got to the bridge here so you will not have to go back and repeat too much

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