Pyramid key not opening door at Oceanview motel


I am following the janitors visions and I am at the Oceanview motel. I have turned on all the radios and it granted me the key in the room that did have the big sludge monster in it. I’ve gone back to the door with the inverted black pyramid but I can’t open it. Is this glitched or is there another step I need to perform before I can get out?

Pyramid key not opening door at Oceanview motel

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

This trip to the motel is a little different to the others. If you have the key then you use it on the janitors door. I’m not sure you even need the key but I got it anyway and got stuck here too. The janitors door is right next to the reception area. You will see janitor written on the door and it will be the only door knob in the area you can interact with.

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