Is there a subscription fee to play ESO?


I played WOW for years but ended up stopping when the subscription fee got a bit annoying. I’m tempted to give Elder Scrolls Online a try, but the subscription fee might get me addicted if there is one. Does ESO have a subscription fee like World of Warcraft does? If so, how much does it cost monthly?

Is there a subscription fee to play ESO
The Elder Scrolls Online

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1 Answer

Dan -

Elder Scrolls Online is free to play and while there are loot boxes and other paid for items, the game is more than playable without them. The paid for items will speed things up so you can either spend an hour in a dungeon to get some good loot or you can just pay for it. This kind of thing is ok for PvE since it doesn’t really give anyone the edge over you. 


  1. I have played ESO for a couple of years about 2000 hours plus, I have never paid for ESO plus subscription, I bought the basegame and have paid for all of the DLC maps by buying Crouns in steam, then spending them in the ESO strore in the game. There is the base game, but I fully recommend getting at least certain DLC like Summerset to allow Jewelry crafting, Western Skyrim for the antiquities system and as many of the other base DLC maps as you can. This will allow you to take part in group quests like dungeon finder, which automatically pairs you with 3 other players to complete the harder dungeons. The game is highly recommended and can take a new player months to build their character and learn to get involved in the many quests, delves and collecting .

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