How to use the Herbicide in Resident Evil 1?


Whats the purpose of the herbicide in Resident Evil and where do you use it?

How to use the Herbicide in Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil

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2 Answers

savageeye -

you need this in the plant-infested room. Dump it into the water tank that is connected to the water pump. I think its the red valve you turn but the consequence of getting it wrong just means you lose a few green herbs which aren’t a big deal. Once the water comes out of the fountain, it will kill the plant with the tenticles and you can get the death mask on the wall behind it.

NukeZer0 -

You use the herbicide to kill the giant plant thats blocking an entrance in the greenhouse area. This allows you to grab the death mask that is attached to the wall behind it.

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