How long should I wait before upgrading from PS4: PS5 or wait for PS6?


I’ve got a PS4 Slim, and I’m torn about upgrading. Do I grab a PS5 now to enjoy upcoming next-gen games, or wait for the PS6, which folks say might drop in a couple of years? I’m not expecting a huge leap between the PS5 and PS6, but I’ll take any advice you’ve got! 😅

5 Answers

ButtonMasherMaster -

Procrastination won’t let you experience games you want to play now. If the PS6 rumors are just talk, enjoying PS5 now is better than waiting. Plus, trading in your PS5 later for some cash when the PS6 does finally come out is always an option. Live in the moment, you know?

Achievement_Unlocked42 -

I’d say go for the PS5 right away. Usually, after a console launches, games often support the older console for a few years. With the PS5, you’ll have access to an excellent library now, and even when the PS6 arrives, it might take a while before the games are exclusive to it.

RetroGameSavior -

Pretty much, if you keep waiting, there will always be a new console on the horizon after a new one is released. Get the PS5 to play current games, and when the PS6 turns up, you can decide then about any future upgrades.

ConsoleCrusader2023 -

Honestly, the upgrades between console generations are getting more subtle anyway. They still release some solid games on PS4 like Jedi Survivor and others, so a PS5 will keep you satisfied for years. Consider getting a gaming PC if you’re unsure and want a versatile option for new games.

PixelWizard64 -

Rumor has it that the PS6 isn’t dropping anytime soon, perhaps not even for another 3-4 years. If you want to future-proof a bit, you could consider the PS5 Pro, which should keep you entertained for a good while.

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