How do you handle Crimson Heads in Resident Evil 1 Remastered?


Whats the best way to deal with Crimson Heads and how do they differ from regular zombies?

How do you handle Crimson Heads in Resident Evil 1 Remastered
Resident Evil

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4 Answers

Marvin Mason -

Once a zombie becomes a Crimson Head, it’ll run at you faster and do more damage. To prevent this, you should burn the bodies after killing normal zombies. Be aware, you have limited kerosene canisters, so use them wisely. If they turn, some players like to use the shotgun for an easy headshot kill when theyre close. Saves you some ammo while staying safe.

Dan -

Crimson Heads are a bigger threat compared to regular zombies as they are faster, tougher, and have deadlier attacks. The key is to avoid letting them turn. After you kill a zombie, you either need to burn its body using kerosene and a lighter, or decapitate it with a shotgun while its still a zombie. Burning them is the most reliable way. If they become Crimson Heads, shotgun or magnum rounds work best because theyre powerful enough to drop them quickly.

GuacamoleFantastic -

burn zombies with lighter n kerosine so they dont turn into crimson heads. if they already turned, use shotgun or magnum. keep some ammo ready for these fights.

savageeye -

Crimson Heads go from normal zombie to crazy fast strong ones. First try not makin em, use shotgun to decapitate or burn em when still normal. If you got a Crimson Head, aim to head with shotgun or magnum for fast kill. Watch out in spots where you left unburned bodies. Stay alert!

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