How do you get to Starks Pond?


I am at the bottom left if the map and want to get into the pond. I can see 6th graders on the other side. There is a box that I can use the diabetic rage on, but the prompt to trigger it is on the other side. How do you get over to the other side of the wall to get to Starks Pond?

How do you get to Starks Pond
South Park: The Fractured But Whole

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1 Answer

Dan -

Head up toward Skeeter wine bar and you will find a similar box with a green base. Use the diabetic rage on this box and make your way down to the pond from here. You can then use the area you are at now as a quick exit to get back to the town and as anwuick entrance going forward. There should be a fast travel point at the pond to save you time in the Future.

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