How do you get to City Wok?


I have a quest that requires me to get roof cheese from Skeeter’s bar and spicy city shrimp from City work. When I try to go there the way is blocked by 6th graders that are standing between electrified water streams. I don’t seem to have anything that will allow me to disable the electricity and the water to get to the other side.

How do you get to City Wok
South Park: The Fractured But Whole

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1 Answer

Dan -

You might actually have the ability to do this, but I’d not the quick solution is to go around toward the police station and walk up. This will bypass the 6th graders. The way was previously blocked but it is cleared now. 

The second solution is to use the pause time fart if you have it unlocked. When time is paused you can walk over the water and disable the switch that has the water electrified. 

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