How do you damage the lake kingdom boss in Odyssey?


I’m fighting the dog boss in the lake kingdom and I can’t see any way to hurt him. I’ve tried to backflip over his hat and hit him, sneak around behind him when he throws the hat and various other combinations of attack, but nothing works. How are you meant to damage him?

How do you damage the lake kingdom boss in Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey

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1 Answer

Dan -

If you look closely when he puts his hat back on after throwing it at you, there is a flower design underneath it. This is the main clue on how to damage this boss. When he throws his hat, attack it and the hat will fall over allowing you to jump onto it. This will shoot you up into the air where you can perform a ground pound to damage him. Do this 3 times in order to defeat the lake kingdom boss.

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