How can you manage and drop items in your inventory?


Im trying to figure out the process for dropping items from my inventory in Resident evil 1. Can someone explain how its done?

How can you manage and drop items in your inventory
Resident Evil

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3 Answers

heartofvalor -

use item boxes in save rooms to manage ur inventory. store stuff u dont need right away. plan what u might need b4 heading out.

SteveSickle89 -

In this game, you cant just drop items anywhere like some RPGs. You gotta either find/use an item box or swap items at certain points. Makes it more challenging since you gotta decide what to carry and what to leave.

bandersnatch -

Youre not able to drop items directly from your inventory, which means you have to be strategic about the items you choose to carry and those you store in item boxes. I found myself in a critical part of the story where my inventory was full and i was not able to do anything other than return to the nearest storage box, which was miles away to drop off some junk so i could go back and pick up the quest item. It was a very annoying situation.

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