I’ve got a beehive surrounded by loads of flowers in my game. I’ve tried breeding bees and enticing them over with flowers, but halfway to my hive, they lose interest and drift away back home. Even when I used a lead to bring them closer, the moment I release them, they fly high and far back to their original hive which is already quite crowded with five bees. I was hoping a couple would settle in mine, yet none want to stick around. Any tips or tricks to make them stay? I’d really appreciate some help!
2 Answers
To get bees to hang around your hive, you might want to do this: first, make sure you’ve got a silk touch tool, like an axe or pickaxe. At nighttime, put a campfire under the wild nest, then use your silk touch tool to break it and move it to your hive location, placing it again over a campfire. Alternatively, you could place your hive close to the nest with campfires under both. Break the wild nest when the bees leave it (smash it, no silk touch needed), and the bees should relocate to your hive at night. Also, keep other flowers away from the hive; too many flower choices can distract them.
If you’re having trouble keeping bees at your hive, one good trick is setting up a little bee house. Make sure there aren’t a lot of flowers around except the ones you want them to use. Bees can get sidetracked by too many flower options. Also, make sure to place campfires under their homes to make the environment cozy for them. As for wild hives, you can’t break them easily without silk touch, but spawning a hive nearby with campfires underneath should eventually attract them when you break the wild nest.