Dualshock 4 Wont Charge


Whenever i connect a charging cable to my Dualshock 4 it will light up orange for a second an then it will turn off and the controller will not get charged. It has been working fine up until now ad I have looked after it well. Does anyone know what might be wrong with it?

1 Answer

Dan -

Make sure that it isn’t already fully charged. This happens sometimes when it is fully charged. It may not be turning on the PS4 because it is not synced. Connect the controller to the PS4 when the console is powered on and press the PS button. See if this links the controller. Once it is linked, remove the USB cable and see if it remains powered on. If so, then it was just a sync problem.

If you are charging the controler via USB from an electronic device, check whether it is actually providing constant power. Some things like a TV will only run power for a second or so to check for input and then turn off power to the USB again. This may also be your problem.

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