Do insect creatures in the lab respawn permanently or can you stop them?


In the lab level, do those insect creatures keep coming back even if you kill them repeatedly or is there a way to stop the respawn?

Do insect creatures in the lab respawn permanently or can you stop them
Resident Evil

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3 Answers

skelligewanderer -

Pretty sure they respawn over time.

LeonDB40 -

Yeah, those insect creatures in the lab just keep coming back. I wasted a ton of ammo killing them over and over and they kept coming back. Some of them do die forever but the ones that seem to randomly crawl out of the vents when you enter an area just keep respawning. The one standing near the refueling station for example wont return once you kill it. So kill the ones that are truly in the way and just dodge the rest. Their attacks are so slow that its easy to get past them anyway.

locknloaded -

lab bugs mostly come back, the ones from vents keep respawning. kill the ones in the way and just run past others, they’re slow anyway

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