Do hunters respawn after being killed in the mansion?


They have made their way into the mansion which i have been very careful so far in making sure i keep clear of crimson heads. Is there any point in me clearing out the halls of these monsters or will they just keep coming back? Im trying not to burn through all of my ammo

Do hunters respawn after being killed in the mansion
Resident Evil

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3 Answers

NukeZer0 -

Nope, hunters dont respawn after you kill them. Once theyre down, that area stays clear. Just remember that some areas might have more hunters spawning as you progress, but its not like theyll keep coming back to life after you take them out. Save your ammo and only take them on if you really have to.

Dan -

Grinding them down is a one-time job. Unlike crimson heads or zombies, these guys stay dead after you kill em. It’s safe to clear an area and move on. Just be aware, later game stages might introduce more hunters elsewhere.

locknloaded -

Nah, they don’t come back once you kill ’em. Areas stay clear after. But watch out, more might show up as you go on. So, don’t waste ammo unless you need to.

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